Find your Finnish ancestors in three simple steps (let me do it or learn to find them yourselves with my help):

  1. Send me an e-mail with the following information (if you have it): Do you already have a family tree? Where is it (on which platform)? Where does your family come from in Finland (municipality)? Do you have the results of a DNA test available? If you intend to do one, please choose MyHeritage – almost everyone in Finland has done it on that platform. If you have done it on any other platform, transfer it to MyHeritage and start building your tree there. Put all the available information there (You can re-transfer it to other platforms again, if needed.)
  2. I will get into contact with you and suggest a possible pathway, according to your needs and wants. Only if you agree, you give me electronical access to your family tree on MyHeritage and I will start building your tree there.
  3. Give me three hours of research and find out how many generations of Finnish ancestors I can find for you. After the three hours, an online-presentation of the results is included in the package. If you want, you can book more hours, if not, you stop or your continue yourself.
  4. As an alternative, I can also teach you to do the research yourselves (online, via ZOOM). Then you pay by the hour. You can assemble your friends with Finnish ancestry to take the class with you.

Fill the gaps in your Family tree

Your Finnish ancestors are only one click away:

Package: tree hours of research plus presentation: 330 € (about 395 Dollars); additional hours at 82 € / hour (about 99 Dollars)